Wednesday, April 21, 2010



Where did they go? I would like to know please. Any information you could provide would be greatly appreciated. I send my gratitude to those of you that can assist me in my search for the lost art of manners.

Decency, kindness, respect, communication, honesty and civility are some of the parts that make up this once well used life enhancement tool. Opening doors. Saying “thank you”. Exchanging “good morning, afternoon, or evening”’s. Making eye contact when passing someone on the street. Speaking to people without resentment, anger, or frustration reverberating through your tone.

Turning off cellphones in the theatres, both movie and live performances. Letting someone else finish speaking before interjecting. Not speaking when someone else is. Listening when someone else is requesting your attention. Giving someone your undivided attention. Smiling and make eye contact when someone’s making a presentation. Reaching out with help to those in need.

My day would brighten just a little bit with each gracious act I see. I wish to see more please!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Positively beautiful

"Oh what a beautiful mornin'. Oh what a beautiful day. I've got a beautiful feelin' everything's goin' my way."

The lyric above, for those of you who do not recognize it, is from Rodgers & Hammerstein's Oklahoma. This musical just so happens to be one of my all-time favorite shows so of course it makes sense that one of the lyrics would stick in my head on this bright sunny day! But that's not the only reason I began my post with that particular quote.

I always thought I was a pretty positive person. However, in retrospect I'm not quite certain that's true. Hope, faith, belief, trust...I had all of those. Yet, there was this nagging feeling of doubt both self and towards the world in general. I didn't have that glass half-full kind of mentality most of the time. I focused on the negative aspects of life and allowed them to swallow me up instead of choosing to face the challenges, believe I could overcome them, and come through stronger.

It wasn't until just last year that I realized that thinking positively is, in fact, a choice. And making that choice helped me grow in leaps and bounds! Today I am proud of the woman I've become. A woman who is strong, compassionate, beautiful, proud, creative, artistic, and optimistic. I am a sister, a daughter, a friend, a student, an artist, a citizen, and an individual.

Seeing the possibilities in my life has already improved my overall outlook and in doing so, opportunities have become available that perhaps would not have if I kept such a negative attitude. I'm looking forward towards all the challenges, adventures, and events to come. Because each mornin' will be beautiful regardless of the circumstances. As long as I view it as such.

All the best!