Saturday, December 22, 2012

An Act of Kindness: 25 years later

Late in my 5th grade school year I developed chicken pox and had to remain home during the last week of school.  My dear friends surprised me with the amazing creation you see posted above.  A hand-made "Get Well Soon" card signed by my friends, classmates and teachers.  Twenty-five years later I still smile broadly when I think of how thoughtful of a gift that was.

I was fortunate to grow up in a suburban neighborhood where there were a good number of kids my own age.  We formed our friendships early on and grew to include new members, when applicable.  We were a diverse group, of various family structure backgrounds and personality types.  Our differences made our friendships unique; both individually and as a group. 

We spent our time after school and before bedtime riding our bikes at the school or in the woods at the "dead end".  Imagination was our best friend, in a time when we were more excited to play Barbies, create scenarios and pretend.  Who needed video games?  We made our own fun!

The friendships formed during those years made my childhood full of laughter, unconditional support and understanding.  My life was full.  As we grew we ventured down different paths and thanks to the social media age we've been able to reconnect.  I am incredibly honored to have had such wonderful friends during my childhood and hope that their children are just as fortunate!

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