Monday, June 20, 2011

What a difference a week makes!

The day after the Tonys last week I took to my blog to write about how much I enjoyed the awards ceremony. I had sincerely hoped that I’d be doing the same next week after the Daytime Emmys. But unfortunately, that’s not the case. Last night’s Emmy ceremony was an absolute disgrace and utter embarrassment to not only the daytime fans but to the hardworking cast and crew who work so tirelessly in this industry.

I lost count how many times I raised my hands in frustration and exclaimed, “What does this have to do with anything?” From performances that had no connection to daytime (other than promoting Las Vegas shows) to blatant commercials for Las Vegas and other resort destinations. And as much as I truly believe that Oprah Winfrey deserved to be recognized for her remarkable achievement in the daytime industry did we really need two celebrity performances? I would’ve much rather seen clips from her 25 year history that reflected the integrity, excellence and class she was so well known for. You could’ve cut the first montage of celebrity guests, the musical tributes and just had the clips of how Oprah made an indelible imprint on the industry.

What we should have been treated to was a celebratory evening where the work of the nominees took center stage. Why not take the time and energy into putting together well-thought out montages of each drama series nominated for Best Daytime Drama? It’s not like it’s never been done before! There weren’t even brief clips of the nominees when their categories were announced. For those of us who don’t watch all the nominated shows it would’ve been beneficial to learn what made their show worthy of a Best Drama nomination.

I applaud CBS for keeping the Daytime Emmy awards on the air but I am confused as to why they made that decision if they weren’t going to treat the ceremony with the respect and admiration it rightly deserved.

So while Las Vegas seems like a great place to visit, charitable organizations are deserving of our appreciation and self-promotion can be a handy device they have no place in an award show ceremony. Especially when they detract from the nominees, the industry and their fans.

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